About this guide
How to access this guide
Logging In
How to have a new password issued if you lost your password
How to change your login password
Logging Out
You should get into the habit of logging out when you have finished your session - here's how
A brief introduction
Users - Types & Accounts
An overview of the role of the Owner in Flow360
An overview of the role of the client in Flow360
An overview of the manager's role in Flow360
An overview of the general user's role in Flow360
Clarification of access rights and responsibilities for managers and surveyors based on client level preferences and allocated site personnel settings
Navigation in Flow360
Descriptions of the buttons you will encounter in Flow360 and what they do.
NOTE: not all versions of Flow360 have all these button options!
Using multiple record selections in lists
Usage licence agreements and software licence.
Adding a client under the auspices of a service provider licence
How to move a client on your licence from a Lite variant to a Full variant (clients on Provider licences only)
Setting Up
What are the basic requirements to getting Flow360 running?
The different types of home in Flow360
A quick guide to the various client level preferences
Preference settings that apply to all users
Overview of layout and button options
How to reset or change your password
How to change your username (login name)
Employees & Teams
How to add a new employee (client admin, managers and providers only)
How to request for a user account for a new employee (or contact)
How to add a default user location for another user (employee or contact)
How to set up teams for shared access to issues and tasks
Controlling teams and the targeting of Helpdesk issues
Set up a team to manage all qualifications (HR)
How to add timesheets
To add timesheets to a works order item, a Helpdesk issue or project for example, follow the steps in this lesson
How to delete an employee record when an employment ends
If the employee has an employment contract setup you can remove the employee by terminating the contract
How to remove all settings that give an employee or contact access to your site
How to reset an employee's login name and/or password
A quick look at the contacts list and it's central role in Flow360
Adding a new contact to Flow360
How to request for a user account for a new contact
Entering Site Data
Deciding on a hierarchical data structure for your site and resources
Setting up new sites in Flow360 - who does it and how.
Establishing a single or multiple clients on a site.
Populating your sites with assets and their contents
Adding basic condition, priority and maintenance due date information to Items and Components.
Custom data can be added to a resource at any time. This lesson shows you how to add custom data to a resource as you add the resource itself.
Calculating CO2e outputs
Removing an asset or resource from the active list
How to get totals for gross and net usable areas from child resource levels
How to set up and manage managers and surveyors on sites
Where to put all that extra information you want to maintain about your resources.
Use the filters to find resources with specific types of custom data
How to edit resource names and other information
How to duplicate an object to a new location
How to simply replace a resource directly by duplicating an existing resource
Dashboard and Status Message
How to control when the status message shows
Setting alarms for date sensitive data
How to set an alarm, say for a training due date or expiry date
Setting an alarm to remind of a document review or expiration
Standard Tasks
Add your own user defined standard tasks from the standard tasks tab list
How to add your own (user defined) standard tasks by adding a task to a location or object and then saving it as a standard task for re-use elsewhere.
You can define your own service (softFM) tasks at both client and site levels
Searching and finding
Filters - finding and refining what you see
How to use the popup filter panel to refine the set of records you are viewing.
Interpreting the filter status
Setting and re-setting criteria, executing the filter.
How to re-run a recent filter
How to restore a set of records from the last filter operation or reload the last set of records listed
How to set up Helpdesk managers with responsibility for different areas or services.
Allocating users to a default location speeds up entry of new Helpdesk issues. It can also limit their access to specific parts of the site. Here's how to set this up.
How to put a hold or action lock on a helpdesk issue
How to release a Hold that has been applied to a Helpdesk issue, task or works order
Adding a new helpdesk issue
Helpdesk issues can be logged directly from a room location. Here's how
Helpdesk issues can be logged directly from a room location. Here's how
Helpdesk issues can be logged directly from a room location. Here's how
How to add a backdated or historical issue for the purposes of building a complete historical record
How to change the issue raised and closed dates
How to change the linked location / object for a logged Helpdesk issue
Simple Helpdesk issues do not require a works order. or instruction to be passed to someone else. Here's how to simply sign them off as done.
How to review a newly logged Helpdesk request and send it on as a works instruction (simple route).
Whenever the status is changed, the person who logged the issue is informed of the change. Manually setting the status to 'in progress' is a quick way to inform others that the issue is being looked at.
The quick method for a Helpdesk manager to sign off a works order as completed
How to print a works order
How to set up and interpret the warning colour flashes on the Helpdesk issues list
How to set what you see initially
Checking the status of helpdesk issues
Changing the person currently in charge of a helpdesk issue.
Example process for logging a new catering request and issuing an order
How to re-open a closed Helpdesk issue
How to message the caller or person in charge directly from the Helpdesk issue record
How to add a photo from an iOS device
Key performance indicators for Helpdesk issues
Mark issues as duplicates and link
Reactive & Planned Tasks
When adding tasks you have the choice of a quick action task, a user defined task (complete with code and costs breakdown), a standard task or a task selected from the all tasks list. This example takes you through adding a simple inspection task to an object.
When adding tasks you have the choice of a quick action task, a user defined task (complete with code and costs breakdown), a standard task or a task selected from the all tasks list.
When adding tasks you have the choice of a quick action task, a user defined task (complete with code and costs breakdown), a standard task or a task selected from the all tasks list.
Defining and storing your own task specifications for re-use.
How to add the same task to multiple objects at once
How to set up and interpret the warning colour flashes on the tasks list
How to add a manual cost to a task
How to change the settings for multiple tasks at once.
Adding Service Providers and provider remits
What are service provider remits and how do they function within Flow360
How to add and set up a new service provider or contractor
A quick way to add a default set of remits to get a new service provider active as fast as possible
Setting the geographical areas that a service provider covers
Setting the work types that a service provider provides
Setting the cost remits for a service provider, including cost-plus and flexi-contract options.
How to remove all remits for a provider at once
An explanation of how stored rates in Flow360 are used when issuing enquiries and orders and how to view them.
How to target a specific rate for a task and for use in cost projections.
Updating the rates attached to maintenance and other tasks
Composite, Component and User Tasks
Adding your own composite and component tasks with costs breakdown, description and method to Flow360
Creating a new user component element to add to a user composite task
Cost Centres, Accounts & Finance
How to set up a new cost center and budgets
Setting default cost centres at client and individual site level
Setting default accounts at client and individual site level
How to change the cost centre that a particular task or works item is linked to.
Checking on tasks and works cost centre allocations
Tenders, Enquiries and Works
An overview of the different types of instructions that can be issued through Flow360
Setting up and sending out a new tender enquiry, enquiry or order.
The quickest way to select a task and put it on an order
A look at the process of raising and confirming a purchase order number to link to a Flow360 works order.
Adding tasks to a new enquiry or order
How to check messages and respond to a tender enquiry (service provider or contractor)
Responding to a new works enquiry (service provider or contractor)
Converting a returned enquiry into an order.
Starting a new order - setting start dates and updating progress on works items
How to set the start date and update percentage progress
How to update the current completion percentage on an 'in progress' order.
Indicate full completion of all items on an order
How to cancel or delete an enquiry or order
How to put a hold or action lock on a works order in progress
How to release a Hold that has been applied to a Helpdesk issue, task or works order
How to re-target or reassign an existing order from one provider to another or subcontract all or part of an order.
How to set up and interpret the warning colour flashes on the works list
Key performance indicators for works orders
Service Level Agreements
Incidents and Incident reports
Email Submissions, Replies and Additions
How replies sent to response@flow360.net are handled
Primary manager preferences control whether Helpdesk issues and extra notes for issues and works orders are allowed.
Using the standard template allows location to be specified
Issues can be emailed without using the template at all though this not recommended.
Note additions (including attachments) can be emailed and linked to existing Helpdesk issues, works, works items, projects, bookings (including events) and inspections records.
Document management
How to find, view, share and print documents
How to upload and share documents
How to share ownership and collaborate with others on documents
Setting the Key doc flags
Working with document versions
How to link an existing document to another object in Flow360
How to view and print documents stored with Flow360
How to send a document by message link and email
How to ensure that documents linked to works orders are also automatically emailed to service providers
How to ensure that users confirm they have read an attached document
If you are currently the owner of a document you can pass ownership on to someone else - here's how.
Bookings, Occupancies & Events
An overview of occupancies (including tenancies) and resource bookings and options.
How to use the booking / booking request form
How to add a new direct booking (bookings managers)
How to add catering/ICT support/general service requests to a booking or event
How to check on resource usage statistics
Inspections and Forms
How to add and complete building safety inspections
How to add an asbestos inspection record
Confirming stock levels and / or condition of listed items.
Meter readings are one of a number of different 'inspections' that can be attached to objects in Flow360.
How kWhrs are calculated
Viewing usage charts and target charts
Setting up standard depreciation for assets, entering manual valuations and calculating automatic depreciation values.
A quick overview
How to create and print one or more works orders on a single report
Automatic message creation - sending and receiving messages through Flow360
How to reply to a message. Message threads.
How to message all the personnel linked to multiple Helpdesk issues or requests in one go
An overview of events in Flow360
Categorise your resources for easier location
Training Courses
How to add a new course
How to add course documents to a course, module or step
How to add or change the certificate file attached to a course, module or step
How to set up a new training contract for a client
How to add a package to a contract
New projects can be initiated (only by Managers) from the projects tab on the client record card or directly from the projects list
Projects can have 1 or more phases
The project cost centre must be assigned before you start adding tasks!
Scheduled tasks are aded to the project phases
You can delete a project that has no history or cancel a project at any time
How to create a new package of courses
How to add courses to a standard package
Employee qualifications, supervisions and appraisals
Setting up employee roles and training regimes (full variants only)
Scheduling and managing employee supervisions and appraisals (full variants only)
How to manually add a qualification or assign a course to an employee (Workgroup variants only)
How to manually add a qualification to an employee record (full variants only)
How to edit an existing training or qualification requirement record. (full variants only)
How to confirm that a qualification has been achieved from the qualifications tab list/s (full variants only)
When can you delete a qualification record
Sometimes it can appear that Flow360 has become unresponsive in your browser - this is what to do
The buttons in the Adobe Reader plugin
How to turn off the mixed content warnings in Internet Explorer
Changing pdf viewer settings in Chrome (Windows)
What to check to ensure that providers are listed correctly
Follow these steps if you having trouble viewing pdf documents in your browser in Windows
DWG files are plans (site and/ or buildings) from a Computer Aided Design (CAD) application.
How to add an iOS icon for Flow360
How to add an icon to an Android (JB 4.3) device homescreen
It is possible to download and open shared non-standard files such as DWG drawings on iOS and other mobile devices. Here's how
In order for Flow360 to auto enter your email and / or phone number when you register a new Helpdesk issue, you must have entered the relevant details on the comms tab on your Home contact card.
Assigning courses / qualifications to employees from the course record