A quick look at the contacts list and it's central role in Flow360

What is the contacts list?

The contacts list contains contact information about all users and other contacts. It includes address information and, in the case of service providers, details of working remits between service providers and their clients.

It is important to understand that each user can only access the contacts and their details that they have the right to see.

Who sees what

When a new contact is added to the contacts list by a user, access to the card by others is controlled by the user's preferences setting initially (see section on setting personal user preferences for more details). By default this is 'private', but access can be opened up to the client group, site group, services group or made fully public.

Contacts access setting options:

  • private - only the person who added the card can access it
  • restricted - restricts access to those who absolutely need to see your details. This will include employer/employee or those you have direct contracts with.
  • friends & colleagues - restricts access to those who work on and provide services on the same sites as you. This means client admin, client staff, managers, surveyors, service providers
  • public - can be accessed by all users of Flow360 - generally reservce for Flow360 staff and publicy visible service providers and contractors

If I add a contact who then becomes a user of Flow360, what then?

As soon as a contact becomes a user of Flow360 they have control of their own contact card - even the person who added the card can no longer make changes unless they are also the employer.

Once a contact is also a user of Flow360 their contact card will be visible to all other users who share some sort of relationship through Flow360. For example, a Manager on a site will automatically be able to see the contacts cards for the clients on the site, other managers and surveyors and any service providers who are active on the site and these people will be able to see the Manager's contact card also.