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Carbon calculations

Calculating CO2e outputs

Carbon data (annual) inspection records

In order to calculate CO2 outputs from boilers etc, Flow360 requires a Carbon data (annual) inspection form completed for each fuel burning object - i.e. each boiler.

The carbon data (annual) inspection record dialog allows input of date range, fuel type used and a separate panel (1) can be used to calculate kWhrs based on entered kW input, (or kW output) % efficiency and hours run figures. Alternatively, if known, the figure can be manually entered.

NOTE: The current CO2e conversion factors data in Flow360 is from Defra / DECC's GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting, Produced by AEA for the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). Version 2.0 Final, 2015 update. Conversion factors are not available for all fuel types and the conversion can only happen if the relevant factors are available.

The carbon data inspection record

On the record you can manually add in the known floor area in m2 (1) served by the unit - this will calculate the CO2e tonnes per m2 figure and the Carbon kg per m2 figure.
A target tonnes CO2e per m2 can be manually entered (2) and the variance from the actual will be calculated