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Renewing a qualification record

Course qualifications as well as internal supervisions and appraisals can all be renewed using the renew button on the qualification or supervision record card.

The qualification list

Courses flagged in red on this list are either overdue for confirmation or are coming up due for renewal. We are going to look at renewing the care and administration of medicines course. This course expired on 2 October.

To renew the course we first need to click on the goto button on the left of the relevant row to go to the qualifications record.

The qualification record

On the qualification record itself we can see that the qualification has expired. There is a renewed button at the top of the car that will allow us very simply to renew his qualification. Click the menu button to start the process.

The renew qualification dialogue

Assuming that the renewal is a requirement select 'requirement' as the record type and then complete the other details as appropriate. Most of these details are pre-filled by default.

Click the Confirm button to complete the process.

The renewal record

A new renewal of the qualification has now been created and has been automatically linked to the record that it is a renewal of. The green arrow next to the status readout links you to the previous record. Click this arrow to return to the previous record.

Note: in this example the new record is already showing amber and due for completion as the renewal date was set for only a few days away from the current date.

The renewed qualification

Back on the record that has now been renewed you can see there is a green arrow linking you to the renewal record just created.